A young girl in Ibadan, Oyo State, has tragically lost her life after being mauled by a dog. Five-year-old Moriana Maruf was reportedly attacked by the animal on Sunday morning in the Adagbada area of Apete, a suburban community.
According to THENATIONALDAY, the dog belonged to a resident named Mrs. Eunice Kolade. Details surrounding the circumstances of the attack remain unclear.
Following the incident, Moriana was rushed to a nearby private hospital for initial treatment. However, due to the severity of her injuries, she was later transferred to the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan. Sadly, despite medical intervention, Moriana succumbed to her injuries.
Local resident Mr. Sunday reportedly took it upon himself to euthanize the dog after the attack.
A source close to the situation described the attack as horrific, leaving the young girl with unrecognizable injuries.
The Oyo State Police Command has confirmed the incident and is currently conducting an investigation. Public Relations Officer Adewale Osifeso stated that the investigation is ongoing.
This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and dog safety measures.